Here's what I'm doing to get my book noticed: I have a very nice webpage for the book with lots of information about the characters and plot along with possible questions for book club discussion. This webpage is linked to its own Facebook and twitter pages which I haven't really done much with yet, though I have the accounts. Also on the webpage, visitors can link to Amazon and purchase the book. It is available in paperback for $12 and e-book for $0.99 [both published by createspace] . One caveat there - the original e-book was published by FastPencil and listed at $9.59. I am in the process of removing that version from Amazon.Why? Because self-published authors are learning the $0.99 price moves books! Goal is not to get rich but to offer a good read to folks.
I also decided to pay to have Kirkus review my book. A good review could ignite sales and it can be posted on the Amazon site. From createspace [what an amazing entity for self-publishers!], I ordered business cards with the book cover on one side and contact information on the other. Can't wait to get them and then will decide what to do with them. Shake hands with someone, and slip them card? Maybe... I thought I'd start by posting them on library bulletin boards. Work in progress...
I'm also working on the "elevator speech". I have not been good at succinctly telling people who ask what the book is about. Stuck in an elevator with someone for 6 floors, I should be able to pique someone's interest in those few seconds so they really want to buy the book!
Next is investigate sites [other blogs] where book lovers gather. Hello!
Momma! So proud of you :)